91APP, Inc. Приложения

KINAZ:HEBE代言專櫃女包品牌行動商城 2.11.0
91APP, Inc.
* 行動購物 - 任何時間走到哪都可以逛KINAZ* 推撥訊息 - 掌握第一手KINAZ最新最優惠訊息* 快速結帳 - 最簡化的結帳流程超快速* 安全購物 - 最高安全等級加密系統超安心About KINAZ:當前繽紛多樣的購物環境,商品雜亂無序,品質不一,消費購買商品不再盲目的衝動購物,漸漸地趨於保守之後,開始找尋一個訴求質感、品味兼具實用、流行品牌,KINAZ應運而生,發展出適合時尚女孩的包款,零時差地提供消費者最流行配件。KINAZ是追求『高質感』、『高品味』的時尚品牌,以流行款式、貼心功能、精緻手工為品牌基礎。以低調華麗為設計風格並以四個圖騰為主軸去變化,更堅持以更好的材料及原料,搭配無時差的流行腳步,滿足每個不同層次的客人需求。KINAZ 官方網站http://www.kinaz.com.twKINAZ 官方粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/kinaz.twKINAZ 最新活動 粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/Kinaz.dm收藏所有美好事物MY LOVE * KINAZ* Action Shopping - anytime where one can stroll KINAZ* The push message - abreast of the latest information first-handKINAZ Best* Express check-out - most streamlined checkout process superfast* Safe shopping - the highest level of security encryption systemUltra ConfidenceAbout KINAZ:Current colorful and diverse shopping environment, commoditydisorderly, different quality, consumer purchases are no longerblind impulse shopping, then gradually more conservative, demandbegan to look for a texture, taste both practical, popular brands,KINAZ into being Health, developed for fashion girls bag models,zero-day to provide consumers with the most popularaccessories.KINAZ is the pursuit of "High quality", "good taste" of thefashion brand, popular style, intimate functions, exquisitehand-brand basis. Gorgeous low-key style and design for the spindleto change four totem, but to adhere to better materials and rawmaterials, with no difference in the prevalence pace, each atdifferent levels to meet the needs of guests.KINAZ official websitehttp://www.kinaz.com.twKINAZ official fan grouphttps://www.facebook.com/kinaz.twKINAZ Latest Events Fanshttps://www.facebook.com/Kinaz.dmCollect all good thingsMY LOVE * KINAZ
KODZ 2.16.0
91APP, Inc.
KODZ- 妳的釦子,妳的簡單自信。凱渥名模特獻,經典品牌打造,優雅簡約的自信美學,APP強勢開幕!簡單便利的瀏覽介面,讓人輕鬆上手,隨時隨地發掘KODZ新品資訊!• 瀏覽最新時尚潮流資訊,手機消費的自由新體驗。• 即時掌握獨家活動通知,享受優惠,時尚隨行。• 從每週話題新品之中,尋找與眾不同的穿搭靈感。• 專屬妳的當季購物推薦清單,媲美時尚雜誌的精選內容。讓凱渥模特兒們陪妳一起輕鬆購物,綻放風采,現在就下載KODZ!
艾咪e舖-MIT情侶/親子裝 2.20.0
91APP, Inc.
簡單易懂好操作 簡易方便操作介面 讓您第一次使用就上手加入會員超方便 手機號碼登入 快速購物好康活動不錯過 優惠活動推播通知專屬優惠報好康 專屬APP活動好禮隨時購物享自由 一指悠遊 商店在手商品搜尋更快速 內建商品搜尋引擎照片瀏覽很犀利 所有商品照片不需下載 輕點即可放大拉近喜愛收藏最貼心 輕鬆收藏喜愛的商品瀏覽記錄幫你留 不用辛苦找尋看過的商品、隨時回顧臉書貼文同步化 與粉絲團同步化 凡粉絲團發佈貼文 APP同步更新線上付款真安全 使用SSL128 bits最高安全等級加密信用卡快速結帳環境購物Good straightforwardoperation simple and convenient user interface allows you to getstarted for the first timeRegister Log super convenient phone number fast shoppingGoodies activities not miss special offers push notificationsExclusive offers exclusive goodies APP reported activityGiftsFeel free to enjoy the freedom of a shopping store means swimmingin handProduct Search Faster Built Product Search EnginePhotos of all commodities is very sharp picture without downloadingTap to zoom in closer to theEasily the most intimate collection of favorite collection offavorite productsHistory can help you stay not looked hard to find merchandise,recalled at any timeFacebook Posts synchronization synchronize with fans fans whopublish APP synchronized PostsOnline Payment really safe to use the highest security level SSL128bits to encrypt credit card Express Checkout shoppingenvironment
DIANA專櫃女鞋︰漫步在雲端,MIT匠人手工打造、舒適柔軟 2.5.0
91APP, Inc.
DIANA知道,女生需要的是一個被溫柔呵護的感覺,踏著獨立‧自信‧優雅的腳步生活著,是最美麗的人生~舒適、溫柔是妳漫步在雲端的必需品~一步的溫柔‧一步的舒適‧一步步的優雅低調細緻的舒適女鞋,在無形中散發女性應有的曼妙姿態~在時尚與舒適之間,需要巧妙的balance1. 生活便利的好幫手,24小時不打烊,讓您掌握第一手流行資訊,時尚不落人後。2. 使用SSL128 bits最高安全等級加密信用卡快速結帳,購物真安心。3. 結帳快速簡便,手機購物真EASY。4. 購物e時代,隨時隨地都可購買,輕鬆便利不用出門就可以買到優質商品。5. 訊息推撥通知,隨時給您DIANA的流行、好康優惠資訊。6. 即時LINE線上客服,方便又貼心。7. 收藏商品好方便:只要您登入會員帳號,手機、電腦、平板同步收藏商品,方便隨時放入購物車,切換使用無障礙。8. 加入會員:使用Facebook帳號或手機號碼,就可輕鬆加入會員!DIANA打造專屬與妳的舒適好鞋,Facebook粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/DIANAshoes
O.B 歐布德 : 服飾首選 第一品牌 2.19.6
91APP, Inc.
✭便利行動購物,簡單易懂一次就輕鬆上手✭SSL128 bits高安全等級加密信用卡快速結帳✭即時掌握O.B歐布德最新推播,好康不錯過★週週新品上架,掌握最新第一手流行資訊★優惠推播通知,好康活動絕對不會再錯過★全館現貨供應,金日下單隔日出貨超快速
百事特童裝 BestPals-孩子的變身魔法師-童鞋&包袋 2.12.5
91APP, Inc.
孩子的變身魔法師 -- 百事特童裝行動購物商店: 滿足您多元的購物需求掌握最新訊息: 不再錯過百事特童裝為您提供的獨家優惠喔!!24小時不打烊: 不論距離與時間,輕鬆購物無壓力------在1999年成立的「BestPals百事特童裝名店」目前遍佈全台,我們引進多國知名品牌童裝、童鞋、包袋、配件、生活用品等,多樣風格的選擇,滿足0-12歲小朋友不同場合、不同時機的需求。百事特店內空間明亮寬敞,更貼心設立遊戲區,讓爸爸媽媽們在購物時,小朋友們可以安全開心地在小天地觀賞卡通影片、玩遊戲!歡迎來店親自感受,我們所提供的專屬服務喔!!------更多訊息請上百事特官網: www.bestpals.com.tw百事特粉絲團: www.facebook.com/bestpals.fans
EJG伊澤靚 美妝髮品,醫美保養,流行精品百貨,美容美髮器材 2.6.0
91APP, Inc.
【EJG伊澤靚】提供專業沙龍美髮品牌、醫美級保養品、潮流美妝精品百貨、美容美髮器材、時尚穿搭及台、美、日、韓等歐亞全球流行商品,讓您24小時不限地點均可享受一站式的便利購物,簡易安全多元的結帳方式,快速寄送物品,誠信熱忱的服務,讓您享受VIP的購物樂趣。【EJG伊澤靚】擁有二十年以上專業研發團隊,採用歐美日等國先進成份及植物萃取精華來調配,嚴格的製程,多項產品通過SGS檢驗合格,符合化粧品法規,並獲得眾多美妝部落客、影視模特兒、消費者的認同,我們不只提供專業級的美妝髮品,實在的價格,更加注重產品安全,讓我們深得消費者的喜愛,成為潮流美妝髮品的領導品牌。*多版本購物系統:讓您不論在家中的電腦或是IOS、Android手機、平板都可以輕鬆購物。*加入會員:只要透過手機號碼、FB帳號都可以輕鬆加入會員。*安全結帳:高規加密付款結帳系統。*線上客服:有任何產品諮詢、訂單問題都可以透過商店客服進行留言。*活動即時通知:新品上架、限時特價、各種好康活動不錯過。*輕鬆搜尋商品: 頁面提供清楚的商品分類、Key入關鍵字亦可快速找到您要的商品。*我的收藏:可針對有興趣的商品進行收藏,免去重覆搜尋的困擾。
紐頓e世界 2.14.0
91APP, Inc.
紐頓e世界,一間在台北市3C精華地光華商場經營超過30年的3C賣場推出行動APP拉!有第一手的資訊,最優惠的價格,堅強的服務團隊,卓越的服務品質更於2013年2014年榮獲超級商城金店獎!是超級商城3C類唯一嬋聯兩屆金店獎的店家!推出超便利的行動購物,用最簡單的方式提供您所需要的的各種商品和3C情報!★定期好康:定期推出超值下殺與好康活動!★推撥訊息:掌握第一手資訊!★安全購物:加密金流系統超安心,安全購物第一名!★快速結帳:最簡化的購物流程!★★紐頓e世界FB粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/3cnt66?fref=ts★★★★紐頓e世界旗艦店http://nt66.com.tw/★★★★紐頓e世界電腦估價系統http://nt66mobile.com.tw/★★販售各式3C產品及周邊配備Newton e world, one inessence to Guanghua Market Taipei 3C operated for over 30 years,launched the action APP 3C stores pull!Have first-hand information, the most preferential prices, a strongservice team, excellent service qualitySuper Prize was awarded in 2013 the mall jindian 2014! Is a supermall stores 3C class only two gold shop Chan Union Award!Introduction of ultra-convenient shopping action, with the mostsimple way to provide a variety of goods and 3C intelligence youneed it!★ regular goodies: Value kill the next regularly launchactivities and goodies!★ pushed aside message: first-hand information!★ Secure shopping: encryption flow system ultra safe and secureshopping first!★ Quick Checkout: most simplified shopping process!E world ★★ Newton FB fanshttps://www.facebook.com/3cnt66?fref=ts★★★★ Newton e world flagship store http://nt66.com.tw/★★★★ e Newton World Computer valuation systemhttp://nt66mobile.com.tw/★★Sell ​​all kinds of 3C products and Peripherals
匠子工坊:潮流品味生活家,獨特質感流行飾品配件錶款watch 2.19.6
91APP, Inc.
1. 只需手機號碼並安裝應用程式就可輕鬆加入會員,2. 分類直觀詳細,只需輕輕一點即可完成3. 無論在何處,手機定位、關鍵字、快速查詢 都能有最快的資訊4. 精選:省去您在網路上搜尋的煩惱。5. 品味:擁有從各地網羅而來的設計款,打造出個人的自我特色。6. 優勢:貼近消費者理想中的價格,並有著完善的保修與售後服務以及迅速的7. 適用於任何場合的禮物,並與朋友分享您最喜愛的發現。1 phone number and simplyinstall the application can easily add members2 Classification intuitive detail, just one to complete3 Wherever, mobile positioning, keyword, quick query can have thequickest information4 selection: save your search on the network troubles.5 Taste: have come from all over the web design models, to create apersonal self characteristics.6 Advantages: close to the ideal consumer prices, and has a goodwarranty and after-sales service and quick7 applies to any gift occasion, and share with friends yourfavorite discoveries.
2R手工真皮 : 台灣真皮NO.1品牌 時尚真皮美包行動商城 2.20.0
91APP, Inc.
24H購物~結合FACEBOOK註冊會員帳號行動購物:輕輕鬆鬆逛2R手工真皮推撥訊息:掌握第一手2R最新優惠結帳快速:最新簡單化的結帳流程安心購物:最安全的加密購買系統ABOUT 2R手工真皮:不需要花大錢,結合主流時尚風格與平實近人的價位,帶給您最優質的真皮美包。2R手真皮是由兩位台灣設計師Ray&River共同創立的新時尚平價真皮品牌。外放與內斂的組合;激發出多樣變化與實用耐用的完美包款。2R手工真皮 官方網站:http://www.2R.com.tw2R官方粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/2rbag2R 門市資訊直營門市一太原旗艦店地址:台北市大同區太原路9-3號(市民大道口的捷運台北地下街Y13出口附近)電話:(02)2550-0628營業時間:週一至週六10:30~20:00週日11:00~19:00直營門市二忠孝旗艦店地址:台北市敦化南路一段187巷19號(忠孝敦化站1號出口,愛迪達巷內,187巷左轉)電話:(02)2776-1208營業時間:週一至週日12:00~22:30直營門市三士林旗艦店地址:台北市文林路69號(肯德基對面)電話:(02)2888-1196營業時間:週一至週四 15:00~00:30週五 15:00~01:00週六 14:30~01:00週日 14:30~00:3024H shopping ~ combineFACEBOOK registered member accountAction Shopping: handmade leather easy stroll 2RPushed aside Message: 2R firsthand the latest offersQuick Checkout: Latest simplified checkout processShop with confidence: The most secure encryption purchasingsystemABOUT 2R handmade leather:Do not need to spend big money, combined with mainstream fashionstyle and plain approachable price, to bring you the best qualityleather beauty package.2R hand dermis by two Taiwanese designers Ray & Riverco-founded a new fashion cheap leather brand.Extroverted and introverted combination; inspire change and diversepractical and durable perfect package section.2R handmade leather official website:http://www.2R.com.tw2R official fan grouphttps://www.facebook.com/2rbag2R store informationDirect store aTaiyuan flagship storeAddress: Road, Taiyuan, Datong District, Taipei City 9-3 (nearTaipei underground street crossing Y13 export large publictransit)Phone: (02) 2550-0628Hours:Monday to Saturday 10:30 - 20:00Sunday 11:00 - 19:00Direct store twoZhongxiao flagship storeAddress: Lane 187, Dunhua South Road, Sec 19 (Zhongxiao DunhuaStation, Exit 1, Adidas lane, 187 Lane, turn left)Phone: (02) 2776-1208Hours:Monday to Sunday 12:00 ~ 22:30Direct store threeShihlin flagship storeAddress: Taipei Wenlin Road 69 (across from KFC)Phone: (02) 2888-1196Hours:Monday to Thursday 15:00 - 00:30Friday 15:00 - 01:00Saturday 14:30 - 01:00Sunday 14:30 - 00:30
Neogence 霓淨思:行動商城 2.19.6
91APP, Inc.
創立於2005年的高效醫美首選品牌-「Neogence霓淨思:行動商城APP」提供最即時的商品資訊,搭配超高解析度的手機瀏覽,以及便利性十足的購物流程,讓購物時瀏覽視覺舒服又順暢;定期推出超優惠的活動特惠組合,1分鐘立即買到超值商品,另有活動推播通知,讓您絕對不錯過優惠好康,隨時隨地享受便利的購物體驗!【Neogence霓淨思--高效醫美首選品牌】 希望妳,更美麗創立於2005年,結合皮膚科學、成分藥學、生醫科技等各領域的研發人員,針對亞洲人的膚質量身打造保養產品。秉持『針對肌膚問題提出有效對策,讓肌膚更美麗!』的理念,精選有效活性成分,搭配高科技生醫傳導技術,提升有效成分吸收度與作用力,快速有效改善肌膚問題。【有效 迅速 安全】產品研發理念1. 有效—皮膚科醫師,提出肌膚問題有效對策2. 迅速—生醫博士,建立肌膚快速吸收傳導機制3. 安全—專業藥師,調配完美比例安全配方【品牌專屬保養品工廠】Neogence霓淨思 擁有全台唯一專屬保養品工廠,並通過美國聯邦食品藥物管理局FDA&ISO9001:2008/CNS12681品質認證。更在2013年底通過Cosmetics GMP Compliance Certification ISO22716:2007。【手機app shopping好及時 好放心】●用手機買東西好方便,隨時隨地買得到。●優惠活動推播通知,絕對不會錯過每檔優惠。●Facebook帳號或手機號碼就可輕鬆加入會員。●快速結帳,迅速又安全,可選擇超商付款取貨。●多元商品呈現方式,大圖示、小圖示、清單式隨你改變。●點選收藏最愛商品好方便。Browse vision: "MobileMall APP Neogence Neogence" provide the most immediate productinformation with ultra-high-resolution mobile browser, as well asthe convenience of a full shopping process, so shopping - wasfounded in 2005, US-efficient brand of choice for doctorscomfortable and smooth; regularly launch Super Special PackageDeals activities, one minute get immediate value of goods, andanother activity push notifications, so you definitely miss dealsgoodies, enjoy the convenience of shopping experience anytime,anywhere![Neogence Neogence - Medical efficient brand of choice for theUnited States] want you more beautifulFounded in 2005, combined with skin science, pharmaceuticalingredients, and other areas of biomedical science and technology R& D personnel, tailored for Asian skin care products.Uphold the "effective countermeasures against skin problems raised,so that the skin more beautiful!" Concept, selection of effectiveactive ingredients, with high-tech biomedical conduction technologyto enhance the absorption of active ingredients and forces quicklyand effectively improve the skin problems.[Security] effective rapid product development philosophy1 Effective - dermatologists, skin problems and effectivecountermeasures proposed2 quick - biomedical PhD, established the skin quickly absorbs thetransmission mechanism3 Safety - professional pharmacists, security deployment perfectratio formula[Brand] exclusive skin care products factoryNeogence Neogence Taiwan has sole and exclusive skin care productsfactory, and by the U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration FDA& ISO 9001:2008 / CNS12681 quality certification.By the end of 2013 more Cosmetics GMP Compliance Certification ISO22716:2007.[Mobile app shopping is good and timely good ease]● easy to use mobile phones to buy something good, buyanywhere.● Promotion push notifications will not miss every filedeals.● Facebook account or phone number you can easily addmembers.● Express Checkout, fast and safe, you can choose the paymentconvenience store pickup.● multi-commodity presentation, large icons, small icons, list-asyou change.● Tap the Favorites favorite merchandise is good andconvenient.
奇哥 chickabiddy 寶寶的第一個朋友 2.6.0
91APP, Inc.
奇哥官方經營之手機購物平台,提供媽咪爸比們最即時的優惠商品。* 商品齊全:不需出門即可快速搜尋到您要的商品。* 活動即時:讓您一手掌握最新活動訊息。* 購物方便:不用大包小包,奇哥幫您運送到家。Mobile shopping platformChico official business, providing the most immediate Mummy dadthan their discount merchandise.* Goods complete: no you can quickly find out the product youwant.* Activities immediate: Let your hand and grasp the latestEvents.* Shopping convenience: no large bags, Chico help you shiphome.
StarMIMI : 流行穿搭女裝,打造妳的雲端衣櫃 2.13.0
91APP, Inc.
你想要成為什麼樣子的存在?MIMI知道,女孩需要的是不被看出刻意打扮的優雅及性感,不迷信潮流,喜歡低調細緻的氣質,用最自然的方式呈現自我,以剛柔並濟來表達女性態度。從服裝延伸至包款、女鞋、飾品等 , 強調其與服裝之間的和諧搭配性,更重要的是「與穿著的人之間的關係」。STARMIMI是我們的品牌名,但我們更希望稱STARMIMI是一種穿著態度,從這樣的概念推展至自有品牌 - STARMIMI設計款,以一貫不造作的魅力為女孩打造適合自己的專屬面貌。StarMIMI行動專賣店app,提供最佳手機購物介面,隨時隨地輕鬆選購最適合自己專屬面貌。◆用手機號碼或Facebook帳號就可快速加入會員。◆24H行動購物不打烊,走到哪逛到哪◆活動即時推播通知,不會錯過任何最新資訊、優惠活動!(建議您開啟推播功能,可及時得知第一手好康消息!)◆使用SSL 128bits 最高安全等級加密的信用卡刷卡功能,或全家超商取貨付款等服務。◆手機/平板/電腦可同步收藏商品&購物車,切換使用無障礙。-----更多的StarMIMI:官方網站 http://www.starmimi.com/官方臉書 https://www.facebook.com/LOVESTARMIMI實體店面 http://www.star-mimi.com.tw/index/SHOPMAP-FB.htmlinstagram http://instagram.com/starmimi_
FM 時尚美鞋:手工製作、流行獨特經典鞋款專賣店 2.19.6
91APP, Inc.
數碼寶貝GO:數位相機、拍立得與攝影週邊專賣,即時優惠、特賣 2.10.0
91APP, Inc.
德國雙人:世界知名餐廚品牌 2.14.0
91APP, Inc.
1731年德國刀匠Peter•Henckels(彼得•亨克斯)在SOLINGEN的教堂裡,以「Zwilling」 (德文譯為:雙胞胎),為其刀具創立品牌並註冊商標,開創了古老的德國工藝歷史。【德國雙人】的刀、鍋、小五金、剪刀、餐具、修容設計不僅象徵了優雅生活的卓然品味,更是悠久傳世的絕對堅持。280餘年以來,世界各國的使用者共同見證了雙人的亙久傳奇。【德國雙人旗艦館】為服務更多消費者,提供24小時行動購物的安全環境。*商品分類清晰、種類最齊全。*新品發表、優惠活動資訊更新最即時。*行動商店讓您走到哪逛到哪。*安全的付款機制,保障消費者荷包的安全。*即時推播,讓您最新資訊不漏接~
Cotton Candy棉花糖 2.8.0
91APP, Inc.
*Cotton Candy棉花糖打造專屬於妳的線上購物商店**周周新品上架,款示齊全,掌握最新第一手流行資訊**行動商城APP 天天提供爆殺商品*優惠商品推播通知,好康活動絕對不會錯過*簡單易懂的操作介面,第一次就上手*手機付款快速又安全-使用SSL128 bits最高安全等級加密信用卡快速結帳。
船井生醫 行動購物旗艦館 2.16.0
91APP, Inc.
四葉幸運草: 流行服飾、配件、包包、鞋子、網拍購物商店 2.20.0
91APP, Inc.
一踏進「四葉幸運草」彷彿讓你置身【愛麗絲夢境】中的森林裡,女孩們嚮往且一路追尋的成熟甜美風,在此以無齡和無國界的 my style穿搭方式,開啟你的夢幻之旅。百樣以上豐富商品可選購各種不同款式商品應有盡有掌握最新豐富流行的時尚穿搭週週推出超值優惠方案真誠的服務態度及服務品質多元化色彩搭配出甜美浪漫女孩隨時可訂購喜愛的商品~減少等待的時效性A step into the "fourleaf clover" suddenly seemed so you exposure [dream] Alice in theforest, and the girls who aspire to pursue a mature sweet wind allthe way, in order to no age and no borders my style outfit way,open your dream trip.More than a hundred different rich commodity optionalA variety of different styles items at low pricesAbreast of the latest popular fashion outfit richWeek in and week program launched dealsSincere attitude and service qualityDiversified color with a sweet romantic girlFavorite products can be ordered at any time to reduce the waitingtimeliness ~
台灣鞋網 twshoes 美鞋款式齊全新品最新~促銷熱賣 2.20.0
91APP, Inc.
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露比午茶 2.51.0
91APP, Inc.
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蔡家國際 - 流行3C購買指南 2.16.0
91APP, Inc.
3C流行購買資訊SONY、HTC、GoPro,運動穿戴、智慧型手機、平板電腦、筆記型電腦、行車記錄器、衛星導航機、 極限運動器材攝影器材蔡家國際 創立於民國 84年,以PDA代理事業起家,如今已成為國內最專業,規模最大的智慧型手機、衛星導航機..等流行3C的專售公司。從開始經營SONY、HTC、lenovo、i-SPORTS專賣店,現在則是台灣最具規模的數位商品與周邊配件的精緻專賣連鎖通路。蔡家國際是由一群愛好3C科技新品成員所組成,除具備20年以上豐富的市場銷售經驗外,對引進商品挑選十分苛求,以幫消費者事先遴選出市場最具吸引力的產品,帶給客戶專業及最新商品服務體驗。在這App軟體中,蔡家國際將推出超便利的行動購物,用最簡單不受時間地點的限制,提供給您由我們所嚴選流行3C商品。Line 官方帳號:蔡家國際蔡家國際FB臉書粉絲團:http://www.facebook.com/pdaking.tw蔡家國際官方網站:http://www.pdaking.com.tw/
ERH 好康報:安全美妝行動優惠商城 2.19.6
91APP, Inc.
「ERH好康報:安全美妝行動優惠商城」APP特色– 用手機買東西好方便,24hr不打烊– 多項人氣明星商品,限時特買超好康– 高解析手機瀏覽,商品圖超美– 活動推播通知,好康活動絕對不會錯過– 收藏商品好方便,指尖滑動輕鬆購物– 快速結帳、便利取貨服務– 貼心Line客服,即時回答商品問題ERH安全美妝信念:為了守護親愛的家人,打造一個以「守護肌膚保養安全」為使命的品牌,我們相信,唯有連自己敢用、愛用、常用的保養品,才能感動和我們一樣想守護健康的消費者。以先進國家的法規標準,杜絕添加有害香料、有害人工色素、Paraben防腐劑等添加物的保養品牌;陪妳一天天變美麗,重新找回肌膚的純淨之美!更多ERH安全美妝情報:http://www.erhgroup.com/歡迎來ERH粉絲專頁,天天和妳分享美麗秘訣!https://www.facebook.com/erhgroup"ERH Guaranteednewspaper: Safety Action offers Beauty Shop" APP Features- Using a mobile phone to buy something good convenience, 24hr notclosing- A number of popular star product, limit special overboughtGuaranteed- High resolution mobile browser, commodity chart over the UnitedStates- Activities push notifications, savings activities will notmiss- Favorite better convenience, easy shopping fingertips slide- Express Checkout, convenient pickup service- Intimate Line customer service, merchandise immediate answerquestionsERH security Beauty belief:To guard dear family, to build a "guardian of the skin caresecurity" for the mission of the brand,We believe that only you even dare to use, with love, care productscommonly used to move and we do want to protect the health ofconsumers.In advanced countries, regulations and standards to eliminateharmful add spices, harmful artificial colors, Parabenpreservatives and other additives care brand; accompany you becomebeautiful day by day, to rediscover the pure beauty of theskin!More Beauty ERH Security Intelligence:http://www.erhgroup.com/Welcome to ERH fan page every day and you share beauty tips!https://www.facebook.com/erhgroup
eFashion:流行女裝 23.9.0
91APP, Inc.
Weekly new products are on sale, offering the latest general sizeand medium size, Korean and Japanese fashion, shoes, bags and otheraccessories
Ann'S妳的美鞋顧問 23.10.0
91APP, Inc.
掌握時下最流行美鞋穿搭資訊,無論是below or over25、可愛或成熟、個性或甜美、純真或性感的女性,Ann'S期許成為每一位女性專屬的美鞋顧問!
LULUS:流行女裝服飾品牌 23.10.0
91APP, Inc.
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BONJOUR女鞋 23.9.0
91APP, Inc.
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艾美時尚-日韓流行時尚配件 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
Amy fashion achievements you with cheap fashion beautiful, uniquestyle and diverse promotional activities from time to time, let youeasily enjoy shopping!
快車肉乾/肉紙 2.81.5
91APP, Inc.
STAYREAL行動商城 23.6.1
91APP, Inc.
凱西娃娃Cathy doll韓風女裝購物 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
New messages pop outfit, best savings activities, all in "Caseydoll Cathy doll" Famous women shopping shopping mall
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91APP, Inc.
Large size women, Korean style outfit, Western and Japanese styleoutfit, the popular front
PUFII-流行時尚女裝霸主 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
BOBO小中大尺碼 流行女裝 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
* Mobile shopping - BOBO action mall APP, providing fast cashcommodity arrival, a hundred models popular women, the latestfirst-hand information
BeautyMaker流行美妝 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
Norns 23.6.0
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PG美人網91APP 2.78.0
91APP, Inc.
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91APP, Inc.
歐可茶葉 OK TEA 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
台灣網路原創茶葉品牌,以真奶茶、袋棒茶及冷泡茶產品最受歡迎。 獲得康熙來了、商業周刊、上班這檔事、蘋果日報等媒體推荐!
86小舖 Beauty Fast 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
OUWEY歐薇:時尚女裝商城 2.79.0
91APP, Inc.
Ouwey, a fashion-selected urban women's clothing counter brand,adopts young and concise fashion lines, closely followsinternational fashion trends, and emphasizes innovative design oftailoring details and quality.
潮流男裝TAIJI 2.69.5
91APP, Inc.
型男穿著焦點名店【 TAIJI 】正式在手機板上與大家見面了隨時掌握時下最流行歐美日韓男裝穿搭資訊,平價又實上平均每30秒可售出一件,一年銷售300萬件以上商品!24小時立即購,可以超商取貨、刷卡送到家,快速又便利。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------產品特色: 1.樂享移動時尚新體驗:千萬商品多圖瀏覽,指間滑動中讓你隨心所欲淘寶新鮮貨。2.訂單查詢:可查詢7日內訂單明細和處理情形。 3.館長推薦:推薦最新、最夯、最優惠商品,天天都驚喜。4.精選活動:精心挑選最新、最潮的活動內容。 5.商品分類:商品包羅萬象,提供商品分類服務,讓您能輕鬆瀏覽各分類商品。6.快速搜尋:KEY入關鍵字,快速找到想要的商品。 7.購買支付:方便購買與支付功能,讓您輕鬆安全做個時尚達人。8.我的收藏:可針對喜歡與有興趣的商品進行收藏。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Facebook臉書請搜尋 -> TAIJI New Currents Fusion
KS韓式作風 潮流購物網站 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
Korean style APP store so you can order a simpler and moreconvenient way to quickly and easily purchase your favorite items,so you can easily enjoy shopping.
糖罐子-Candy Box 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
Sugar jars have accumulated over 20,000 points of high-qualityevaluations at Qimo auctions.
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91APP, Inc.
糖罐子-Candy Box 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
Sugar jars have accumulated over 20,000 points of high-qualityevaluations at Qimo auctions.
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91APP, Inc.
"Family Mart" shopping official APP Multiple items, allowing you toeasily use the phone shopping, the whole family to pick up quickand easy!
康是美網購 eShop 23.6.5
91APP, Inc.
Cosmed official action shopping APP, 24 hours without closing, tomeet your health, beauty, lifestyle shopping needs
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91APP, Inc.
Kimo auction first popular seller! Popular handbags index shops,Monopoly Korea, grocery package, firsthand popular Combibloc.
STUDIO A 行動商城 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
STUDIO A 官方行動商城,嚴選上千種週邊商品與最新智能應用產品,打造最貼近您的時尚、智能、生活體驗館!